How to win in ludo star every time you play the game
In this article, I will tell you 8 Golden tips & tricks to win a ludo star game every time you play with your friends. Ludo Star is a very popular game in India and most people play this game online with their friends, families and search for tips to win this game playing with their opponents.

Here are 8 Golden Tips to win ludo star every time you play :
- At the start of the game always focus on taking all the pieces out ready to move towards the home.
- Move at least 2 pieces from the start because many times we move just one piece from the start and try to make it up till Home but we fail or killed by opponents and get frustrated.
- Always stay in a safe spot also known as start spot and let opponents pass you so you can attack him after he passes.
- Strategies in such a way that keep moving 2 pieces towards the home and 2 for covering opponents pieces.
- Try to capture the opponent’s pieces more often to increase your chances of winning as your opponent loses hope after failing to reach Home again and again.
- Always take risks/chances to overtake the opponent’s piece.
- There is no hack to get 6 and this game is about strategy, So strategies well.
- Golden Tip always partner with someone to go ahead 🙂
So here are the few golden tips for you all with my experience, do let me know your queries, tips & tricks you use while playing this game in the comment box. I will be writing more articles on Ludo star stay connected.
Also Checkout: How to win ludo king every time you play
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