How to Install Java in Windows 10
In this article, I will guide you on how to install java in Windows 10 quickly. Installing java will help you run all your applications smoothly browsers. Java is so popular is platform programs can run on several different types of computers as long as the computer has a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) & java development kit (JDK) installed.
So here are the steps you can follow to install JAVA on your windows 10 system.

Steps to Install Java in Windows 10
- Open Browser and visit Java Oracle official site.
- Visit the Oracle website and download the installer EXE file.
- Download the “Java SE Development Kit” from the site for Linux/Windows/macOS.
- Once downloaded install the package and note down the installation directory.
- After installation its time to update the “Environment Variables”
- Search for “Environment Variables” and choose the option to edit system environment variables.
- Copy the installed java “bin” path and paste the bin path location to “Environment Variables”
- That’s all! JAVA is installed on your Windows 10
After installation, you can check whether it’s installed properly or not, and for that, you need open command prompt and run “java -version” command to confirm.
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So these were the few steps you can follow to install JAVA on Windows 10 computer. Do let me know your queries in the comment box. I will be writing more articles to help you out.
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