How to Fix Google PageSpeed Preload Key Requests Error solution
In this article, I will guide you on how to fix google pagespeed preload key requests error from Google page speed insights for your WordPress website or normal website. I will help to fix this preload key request error and boost your website speed.

Mostly you find this error in Google page speed reports that some fonts or scripts are causing this error as they are not defined how the fonts or scripts will be loaded which cause your site to slow down and gives you the error which can be found while check for page speed in Google developers page speed insights.
What is the Preload Request?
As per W3.org, Preload is a keyword that may be used with link elements. This keyword creates an external resource link (preload link) that is used to declare a resource and its fetch properties.
The preload keyword is used to initiate early, high-priority, and non-render-blocking that can make your pages load faster.
How to Fix Google PageSpeed Preload Key Requests with Fonts?
- Check for URL in your page speed insights report to get the URL of the font which is causing this issue. <link rel=”preload” href=”Font Url” as=”font” crossorigin=”anonymous”>
- Check Copy and paste the URL in notepad and replace the URL link in the above Tag. For example //www.abc.com/wp-content/theme/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2. Just replace the URL “<link rel=”preload” href=”/wp-content/theme/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2” as=”font” crossorigin=”anonymous”>”
- Adding preload and fetching font as a Preload request will solve the error.
- Once done just add this Link Tag to the header of your WordPress theme. For this visit, your Website folder/file from where the font is fetched or if using WordPress folder then header file.
- Use FTP or Hosting Cpanel and navigate to your folder website and if using WordPress then->wp-content/themes/twenty-theme/header and add this markup link tag to Header.
- Now check and you will find your issue is solved.
- That’s it you are DONE!!
Also Checkout: How to Create a Custom Theme in WordPress
Also Checkout: How to fix Preload Key Requests with Fonts in WordPress
I hope this article helped you. Do let me know your queries in the comment box. I will be writing more articles to help you out.
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